About Us

Hello and welcome to Rachels Finds, my name is Rachel. I have been happily married for the last 29 yeas and we have 3 wonderful children. As many of you know it can be very challenging raising a family and buying everything needed. I never want to pay full price for anything, when I know there is a deal out there!! Over the years I have made it my goal to find every deal that I could for whatever we needed or wanted. Doing this allowed us to save money and do the extra things that we would not have been able to do without all the deals I’ve found. This has given me much pleasure over the years and now I feel it’s time for me to share the joy of saving money by sharing all the deals with you. This is how Rachels Finds was born. I’m committed to saving everyday and want to share this joy of never paying full price for things we need or want.